Immigrant Visa Center

IRCC announces study and work changes in Canada for the fall 2020 intake.

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The Canadian government made a significant announcement on May 14, 2020, about the study and work visa changes for international students. If you are enrolled for the fall 2020 intake, you now take part of your courses online. Though sudden, this is welcome news for students who are affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in their countries.

Revisiting the Post-graduation Work Permit

Though many international students return to their home country, a significant number remain in Canada to work. According to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada, close to 54,000 international students who graduated, acquired permanent resident status in 2018. And, the Canadian Bureau for International Education, has reported that “60% of international students plan to apply for permanent residence.”

As an international student in Canada, you will gain a Canadian credential that many countries recognize for its excellence. Working part-time ensures you become familiar with Canadian culture and work values. And, if your job is related to your education, you get practical training as well. In the end, it may be easier for you to find employment once you have your post-graduation work permit.

And, because the Post-Graduation Work Permit or PGWP is not employer-specific, you may transfer companies anytime. You will not have to change the conditions of your PGWP.

Get the correct information about the international student pathway. Learn how you can study in Canada.

You are not eligible to apply for a PGWP if any of the following conditions apply:

  • First, if you are the beneficiary of some scholarship programs or awards.
  • Second, you completed the majority of your study program by e-learning, online courses, or correspondence.
  • Third, you did not maintain full-time status as a student in Canada.
  • Fourth, you already have had one post-graduation work permit.

Your education in Canada and skilled immigration.

With a Canadian education and work experience, international students and graduates fill the lack of skilled workers in many industries.

And not only that. If skilled immigration is your goal you may earn additional migration points when applying for point-based skilled immigration. Higher migration points increase the probability of being invited to apply for permanent residence. This is an advantage you have over foreign workers applying from overseas who have not worked or studied in Canada.

After completing your program, you may qualify to apply to the following skilled immigration categories:

  • Federal Skilled Worker or
  • The Canadian Experience Class or
  • Some streams of the provincial nominee program specifically created for international students.

With a Canadian education and work experience, international students and graduates fill the lack of skilled workers in many industries.

And not only that. If skilled immigration is your goal you may earn additional migration points when applying for point-based skilled immigration. Higher migration points increase the probability of being invited to apply for permanent residence. This is an advantage you have over foreign workers applying from overseas who have not worked or studied in Canada.

After completing your program, you may qualify to apply to the following skilled immigration categories:

  • Federal Skilled Worker or
  • The Canadian Experience Class or
  • Some streams of the provincial nominee program specifically created for international students.

Major changes for the Fall 2020 Intake

As explained in another section, you may not apply for a PGWP if you take online courses. However, the latest IRCC announcement brings about study and work visa changes in the eligibility for a PGWP.

If you are having difficulty traveling to Canada due to the health restrictions in your country, take online courses instead. For the 2020 fall intake, you may complete up to 50% of the subjects outside Canada. And, you do this without sacrificing your eligibility to apply for a PGWP.

The criteria for the PGWP is strict regarding distance learning, whether you are in or outside Canada. And under normal circumstances, IRCC will deduct the time you spent studying outside Canada from your PGWP limit. So, with this last announcement, IRCC will NOT deduct time spent outside Canada up to December 31, 2020.

Staying home to finish some of your courses online may also be advantageous in another way. As you will not have to spend on rent, your living expenses will be lower. There’s absolutely nothing to lose if you decide to study from the comfort and safety of your home, right?

You’ve waited long enough for your petition. Now It’s time to finalize your application.

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